Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

07.22.14 With the Lights Out, It's Less Dangerous

This hospital, "the Cross" [as they call it], was my first real explore with the lights on. I'm not exactly sure when it was last in use, but they are clearing it out now. Four out of five floors were basically empty, without much sign of decay. The fifth floor was locked, initially... Being the painfully curious bunch that we are, we searched for hours and ultimately found the key to the mystical 5th floor. We were more than satisfied with what we found: endless halls of laboratories, full of animal testing equipment and signage.  Naturally, we put on lab coats and went about exploring each and every room into the depths of the night.   

Thursday, July 17, 2014

07.17.14 Dixe Kingpin

Earlier this month I traveled 2 hours outside of Atlanta to Dixieland (a.k.a. Bostwick, GA). I saw far too many  confederate flags and almost ran over a rooster, but the sights were worth it. The trip was planned mainly to visit a plantation home, built in 1906. It was absolutely wonderful, despite that its windows were recently boarded and it was fairly dark inside. Getting lost, we found another historic home that had suffered major fire damage. Researching afterwards I found its construction predated the plantation's, having been built in 1883. Lastly, we visited the "downtown" which spanned under two blocks. Nearly all of its buildings were abandoned. My favorite was the "Dixie King" cotton warehouse.

"If that ain't country, I'll kiss your ass." 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

7.09.14 Free Parking

This warehouse in Birmingham had many trinkets, tools, and an unfortunate amount of american flags. Getting in required pulling back a 200lb door that could've easily guillotined any one of us. It was worth it though, because we got to play with fire extinguishers and take one seriously epic group photo.