I took a friend of mine exploring recently to a few of my favorite spots in Atlanta. Being as these were return trips, it gave me an excuse to try out some new film & experiment a bit. So, I picked up a roll of Velvia 100, loaded it up, & thought I would be scanning in some super badass mini photos the next week. Unfortunately, the roll turned out so strange! I was shooting in somewhat low light, so I had a tripod. But, it seems, slide film couldn't really handle the shadows. Or, it was MUCH less forgiving than my normal b&w or color negative film. These are a few of the frames that turned out OK, but still in some of them, they seemed embossed, or, have wacky colors popping up in the shadows. Lots of greens & pinks. I thought for a minute my lab guy accidentally cross processed or my scanner was fucked up, but no, turns out your exposure just has to be absolutely spot on. Next time I'll try using my Nikon N90S, which will give me a more accurate reading than my Canon AE-1. Either way, light is your friend with this film, which is difficult in the context of urban exploring. Hopefully my next roll will come out better!
Here's an example of a [very] bad frame:
Like, wtf is this?
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