Whenever I'm in Jersey, I always make a stop at the Seaside Boardwalk. I still haven't uncovered exactly what it is that draws me in. It's kind of sleazy, and I like that. Sandy took its toll on it; at one point the amusement rides stood as statues in the ocean. The whole boardwalk was torn up & many of its most famous restaurants are still closed & boarded up with an uncertain future. On my most recent trip, pictured here, the storm's damage was still present. Caution tape & barriers littered the boardwalk, abandoned and active shops were sometimes indiscernable. Despite all this. the crowds were all still there. By 10am, the beach was packed.
The color pictures were taken with a borrowed Nikon N90s, with Fujicolor Pro 400H. The bubbly black and white photos are the result of running out of film aside from an expired roll of Ilford 3200 & shooting under the sweltering summer sun. They were taken with my handy Canon AE-1.
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